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time varying channel中文是什么意思

用"time varying channel"造句"time varying channel"怎么读"time varying channel" in a sentence


  • 时变信道


  • The super - exponential iteration ( sei ) blind equalization algorithm has the advantage of good tracking capability of the time varying channel
  • Analysis and simulation results show that this algorithm has much lower complexity and is able to track the fast time varying channels in time . with such two advantages , this algorithm can efficiently adopt wireless fast varying channels and successfully achieve the fast channel estimation for ofdm - cdma systems
  • The propagation characteristics of underwater acoustic channels and their influences on long - range information transmission are studied thoroughly . based on the sonar equation , the optimal frequency band is abtained . from the calculation about transmission loss , the source level is forecasted . based on the random time varying channel theory , the fading characteristics of long - range underwater acoustic channels are analyzed
用"time varying channel"造句  
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